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Release tracks in dbt Cloud

Since May 2024, new capabilities in the dbt framework are delivered continuously to dbt Cloud. Your projects and environments are upgraded automatically on a cadence that you choose, depending on your dbt Cloud plan.

Previously, customers would pin to a minor version of dbt Core, and receive only patch updates during that specific version's active support period. Release tracks ensure that your project stays up-to-date with the modern capabilities of dbt Cloud and recent versions of dbt Core.

This will require you to make one final update to your current jobs and environments. When that's done, you'll never have to think about managing, coordinating, or upgrading dbt versions again.

By moving your environments and jobs to release tracks you can get all the functionality in dbt Cloud as soon as it's ready. On the "Latest" release track, this includes access to features before they're available in final releases of dbt Core OSS.

Which release tracks are available?

Release trackDescriptionPlan availabilityAPI value
Formerly called "Versionless", provides a continuous release of the latest functionality in dbt Cloud.

Includes early access to new features of the dbt framework before they're available in open source releases of dbt Core.
All planslatest (or versionless)
Compatible previewProvides a monthly release aligned with the most recent open source versions of dbt Core and adapters, plus functionality exclusively available in dbt Cloud.

See Compatible track changelog for more information.
Team + Enterprisecompatible
Extended previewThe previous month's "Compatible" release.Enterpriseextended

The first "Compatible" release was on December 12, 2024, after the final release of dbt Core v1.9.0. For December 2024 only, the "Extended" release is the same as "Compatible." Starting in January 2025, "Extended" will be one month behind "Compatible."

To configure an environment in the dbt Cloud Admin API or Terraform to use a release track, set dbt_version to the release track name:

  • latest (or versionless, the old name is still supported)
  • compatible
  • extended

Which release track should I choose?

Choose the "Latest" release track to continuously receive new features, fixes, performance improvements — latest & greatest dbt. This is the default for all customers on dbt Cloud.

Choose the "Compatible" and "Extended" release tracks if you need a less-frequent release cadence, the ability to test new dbt releases before they go live in production, and/or ongoing compatibility with the latest open source releases of dbt Core.

Common architectures

Default - majority of customers on all plans

  • Prioritize immediate access to fixes and features
  • Leave all environments on the "Latest" release track (default configuration)

Hybrid - Team, Enterprise

  • Prioritize ongoing compatibility between dbt Cloud and dbt Core for development & deployment using both products in the same dbt projects
  • Configure all environments to use the "Compatible" release track
  • Understand that new features will not be available until they are first released in dbt Core OSS (several months after the "Latest" release track)

Cautious - Enterprise, Business Critical

  • Prioritize "bake in" time for new features & fixes
  • Configure development & test environments to use the "Compatible" release track
  • Configure pre-production & production environments to use the "Extended" release track
  • Understand that new features will not be available until they are first released in dbt Core OSS + Compatible track

Virtual Private dbt or Single Tenant

  • Changes to all release tracks roll out as part of dbt Cloud instance upgrades once per week

Upgrading from older versions

How to upgrade

If you regularly develop your dbt project in dbt Cloud, and you're still running on a legacy version of dbt Core, dbt Labs recommends that you try upgrading your project in a development environment. Override your dbt version in development. Then, launch the IDE or Cloud CLI and do your development work as usual. Everything should work as you expect.

If you do see something unexpected or surprising, revert back to the previous version and record the differences you observed. Contact dbt Cloud support with your findings for a more detailed investigation.

Next, we recommend that you try upgrading your project’s deployment environment. If your project has a staging deployment environment, upgrade and try working with it for a few days before you proceed with upgrading the production environment.

If your organization has multiple dbt projects, we recommend starting your upgrade with projects that are smaller, newer, or more familiar for your team. That way, if you do encounter any issues, it'll be easier and faster to troubleshoot those before proceeding to upgrade larger or more complex projects.


To learn more about how dbt Labs deploys stable dbt upgrades in a safe manner to dbt Cloud, we recommend that you read our blog post: How we're making sure you can confidently switch to the "Latest" release track in dbt Cloud.

If you're running dbt version 1.6 or older, please know that your version of dbt Core has reached end-of-life (EOL) and is no longer supported. We strongly recommend that you update to a newer version as soon as reasonably possible.

dbt Labs has extended the critical support period of dbt Core v1.7 for dbt Cloud Enterprise customers to March 2025. At that point, we will be encouraging all customers to select a Release Track for ongoing updates in dbt Cloud.

 I'm using an older version of dbt in dbt Cloud. What should I do? What happens if I do nothing?
 I'm using the legacy metrics definitions from dbt Core version ≤1.5. What should I do?
 What are other known issues when upgrading from older dbt Core versions?
 I see that my account was migrated to Latest. What should I do?
 What about breaking changes to packages (maintained by dbt Labs or by others)?
 I see that dbt Core version 1.8 was released in April 2024. Will a version 1.8 become available in dbt Cloud?

If you have comments or concerns, we’re happy to help. If you’re an existing dbt Cloud customer, you may reach out to your account team or contact support.
